318,790 km2 (18.46%)
South West Queensland Water and Sewerage Alliance (SWQWSA)
- Size: / Percentage of QLD land mass
- Percentage of QLD population
24,149 (0.44%)
- Total connected properties – water
- Length of water mains
- Total connected properties – sewerage
- Length of sewerage mains
The South West Queensland Region of Councils represents the six local governments of Balonne, Bulloo, Maranoa, Murweh, Quilpie and Paroo providing water services to 27 communities. A regional water and sewerage technical group is driving extensive regional collaboration.
The region forms the cornerstone of the state, bordering NSW, SA and the NT. The SW Water and Sewerage Alliance was established in 2019. During 2022-2024, the South West QWRAP Region completed a detailed asset condition assessment project across all asset categories including reservoirs, bores, water treatment, water reticulation, sewer mains, sewer pump stations and sewer treatment. This work identified infrastructure that is at and beyond effective asset life and is working to secure State and Federal Government funding to address the asset risks identified through the QWRAP Collaborative Project.
Regional Coordinator
Matt Brennan
George Bourne & Associates
QWRAPChair of Region
George Inocentes
Bulloo Shire Council