48,502km (2.81%)
Wide Bay Burnett Urban Water Alliance (WBBUWA)
- Size: / Percentage of QLD land mass
- Percentage of QLD population
- Total connected properties – water
- Length of water mains
- Total connected properties – sewerage
- Length of sewerage mains
In 2013 an Urban Water Technical Committee was established as a committee of the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC) tasked with identifying, prioritising and seeking collaborative solutions to urban water sector issues of joint concern.
To enhance the opportunity for greater levels of collaboration, this group transitioned to a stand-alone Alliance, the Wide Bay Burnett Urban Water Alliance (WBBUWA), in April 2021. The new model allows for an increased level of collaboration through direct decision making on regional initiatives for the councils and diverse communities of the WBB region.
Participating Councils include Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council along with Gympie, Fraser Coast, South Burnett, Bundaberg and North Burnett Regional Councils.
Recent projects include regional sewer relining, joint water quality testing, a review of the Wide Bay Burnett Design and Construction Code as well as an industry skills enhancement program to establish relationships with universities and develop an ongoing work program with students.
Regional Coordinator
Colin Hester
QWRAPChair of Region
Shaun Johnston
Water & Wastewater Manager, North Burnett Regional Council